2016 (LXI)
No./Issue 4
K. ANIPA, A Holistic Sociolinguistic Perspective on the Grammarians and Ouisme in the Phonetic History of French [pdf]
BOGDAN C.S. PÂRVU, MIHAI A. STROE, RODICA NAGY, Towards a Linguistic Patho-Chronology: Dating Poetry Using a Language-And-Mind Approach (Case Study: Mihai Eminescu) [pdf]
DANA-LUMINIȚA TELEOACĂ, Les verbes psychologiques en roumain : quelques repères théoriques pour une description sémantique dans la perspective de la grammaire cognitive [pdf]
Comptes rendus / Reviews [pdf]
No./Issue 3
Identities in dialogue / Identités dans le dialogue
Edited by: / édité par: Răzvan Săftoiu
RĂZVAN SĂFTOIU, Introduction [pdf]
MONICA ARDELEANU GOMOESCU, ALICE PREDA BODOC, MIHAELA GHEORGHE, Romanian Mothers Discussion Boards: A Way of Constructing Discursive Identity [pdf]
ANNA ŁAZUKA, The Semiotic Construction of Women’s Identity. The Example of Polish Communist Press Discourse [pdf]
CATERINA MANES GALLO, CATHERINE MATHON, Building Discursive Identity: The Case of Question-Answer-Follow Up System in Two Interviews [pdf]
RĂZVAN SĂFTOIU, Constructing Identity through Humorous Dialogues [pdf]
ISABEL ROBOREDO SEARA, VERONICA MANOLE, Insult and the Construction of Other’s Identity: Remarks on Portuguese Political Discourse [pdf]
Comptes rendus / Reviews [pdf]
No./Issue 2
DRAGOȘ MOLDOVANU, Une influence de la langue bulgare dans la phonétique roumaine: l’anticipation de l’élément palatal dans la série lexicale câine/câini ‘chien/chiens’, pâine/pâini ‘pain/pains’, etc. . [pdf]
LUDOVICO FRANCO, Adversative “corrective” coordination: further evidence for combining sub-clausal constituents [pdf]
CAMINO ÁLVAREZ-CASTRO, Paradoxe, opposition et exception dans le domaine des adverbes évaluatifs. À propos de l’adverbe paradoxalement[pdf]
MARÍA ISABEL HERNÁNDEZ TORIBIO,Hacia una tipología del uso del acto valorativo ‘cumplido’ como estrategia publicitaria [pdf]
NURIA RODRIGUEZ PEDREIRA, MONTSERRAT LOPEZ DIAZ, Désigner l’étranger : noms, polémique et amalgame [pdf]
CĂTĂLINA ILIESCU GHEORGHIU, Thème translation as means of propaganda. The case of Romanian Review [pdf]
CRISTIAN MOROIANU, CRISTINEL MUNTEANU, Sur la polygenèse dans la terminologie linguistique : paronymes et homonymes terminologiques [pdf]
Comptes rendus / Reviews [pdf]
No./Issue 1
MARTIN MAIDEN, Ambiguity in Romanian Word-Structure. The Structure of Plurals in ….uri [pdf]
ALINA TIGĂU, Two Different Notions: Specificity and Scope. Evidence from Romanian [pdf]
MARIA AURELIA COTFAS, Romanian Implicative Verbs Revisited: a a încerca‘try’versus a reuși ‘manage’ [pdf]
LAURA PINO SERRANO, Équivalences terminologiques dans la grammaire française et espagnole: les constituants fonctionnels de la phrase [pdf]
CRISTINA BLEORȚU, MIGUEL CUEVAS ALONSO, El estudio de la prosodia: dificultades y retos. El caso del español de Cantabria [pdf]
ENIKŐ PÁL, Traces of the Hungarian Source Text in the Catechism of Fogarasi István. Loan Translations and Hungarian Morphosyntactic Patterns [pdf]
Comptes rendus / Reviews [pdf]