PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019-1029_ROC-lingv – Conferences and Publications


(1) Niculescu, O. 2020. „The ROC-lingv Project: objectives and activities”, online presentation at Atelierul lingvistic online, Romanian Academy Institute of Linguistics “Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti”, 25–26 September.

(2) Niculescu, O. 2020. „Developing Modern Resources for the Study of Romanian Phonetics and Phonology”, online presentation at Sesiunea anuală de comunicări științifice a cadrelor didactice – FLLS, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, 20–21 November.

(3) Niculescu, O. 2020. „The challenges of recording, transcribing and aligning a speech corpus and how to overcome them”, online presentation at Al douăzecilea Colocviu internațional al Departamentului de lingvistică: Limba română – modernitate și continuitate în cercetarea lingvistică, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, 20–21 November.

(4) Niculescu, O. 2021. „Constructing an open-source speech corpus of contemporary standard Romanian: outline and preliminary remarks”, online presentation at Phonetics and Phonology: real-world applications (PaPE 2021), at the Workshop From Speech Technology to Big Data Phonetics and Phonology: a win-win paradigm, Barcelona, Spain, 21–23 June.

(5) Niculescu, O. 2021. „Introduction to PRAAT: Tips and Tricks for Doing Phonetics by Computer (Part 1)”, invited speaker, presentation held at Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Calabria, Italy, 2nd November.

(6) Niculescu, O. 2021. „Introduction to PRAAT: Tips and Tricks for Doing Phonetics by Computer (Part 2)”, invited speaker, presentation held at Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, University of Calabria, Italy, 4th November.

(7) Niculescu, O. 2021. „Recent tools for teaching and conducting research at the interface between phonetics and phonology in contemporary standard Romanian”, online presentation at Al 21-lea Colocviu Internațional al Departamentului de Lingvistică: Orientări actuale în lingvistica teoretică și aplicată, Faculty of Letters, University of Bucharest, 19–20 November.

(8) Niculescu, O. 2021. „A preliminary acoustic study on pause fillers in Romanian monologue speech. Evidence from a recent developed speech corpus”, online presentation at the Annual International Conference of the English Department, University of Bucharest, 26–27 November.

(9) Niculescu, O. 2021. „Developing linguistic resources for Romanian written and spoken language”, online presentation at ConsILR 2021 (The 16th edition of The International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing), Iași, 13–14 December.

(10) Niculescu, O. 2022. “Developing a speech corpus for a less-resourced Romance language: the case of contemporary standard Romanian”, online presentation at Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 52), 21 – 23 April 2022, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.

(11) Niculescu, O. 2022. “Studying phonetic variation in a recently developed Romanian speech corpus”, online presentation at The 23rd Annual Conference of the English Department (AICED 23),  Theoretical and Applied Linguistics section, 2 – 4 June, Bucharest, Romania.



(1) Niculescu, O., 2021 “Developing linguistic resources for Romanian written and spoken language”, in Proceedings of the 16th International Conference „Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing”, Petru Rebreja, Mihaela Onofrei, Dan Cristea, Dan Tufiș, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași, p. 21-36, ISSN 1843-911X.

(2) Niculescu, O., 2022, “Recent tools for teaching and conducting research at the interface between phonetics and phonology in contemporary standard Romanian”, in Orientări actuale în lingvistica teoretică și aplicată. Actele celui de al 21-lea Colocviu internațional al Departamentului de lingvistică, Isabela Nedelcu, Irina Nicula Paraschiv, Andra Vasilescu (eds.), Bucharest, Editura Universității din București, article reviewed and accepted.

(3) Niculescu, O., 2022, “Exploring a recently developed Romanian speech corpus in terms of coarticulation phenomena across word boundaries”,  in Fonetică și Dialectologie, article under review.