2022 (LXVII)
No/ Issue 4
SHA LIU, KAYE TAKEDA, Onset Obstruent Cluster Production by Japanese-English Bilinguals: Can Cross-linguistic Interaction Explain Everything? [pdf]
JAROMÍR KADLEC, Situation linguistique et position du français au Cap-Vert [pdf]
AGNIESZKA PASTUCHA-BLIN, L’espressività del linguaggio giornalistico in base all’analisi dei lead [pdf]
GIUSEPPE SAMO, Moved to ModP or Base-Generated In FrameP? A Quantitative Cartographic Study in Romance [pdf]
MONICA VASILEANU, ANABELLA-GLORIA NICULESCU-GORPIN, Lexical Blending in Present-Day Romanian: A Corpus-Based Study [pdf]
Comptes rendus / Reviews [pdf]
No / Issue 2-3
New Perspectives on Istro-Romanian across Disciplines/
Nouvelles perspectives sur l’istro-roumain à travers les disciplines
Edited by/Édité par: Martin Maiden, Oana Uță Bărbulescu
Editor’s Introduction [pdf]
AUGUST KOVAČEC, Menținerea istroromânei [pdf]
ROBERT DORIČIĆ, VIVIANA BRKARIĆ, Bire-c verit! /Welcome! A glimpse into Žejane and Šušnjevica and Their Surroundings Then and Now [pdf]
RICHARD SÂRBU, Riguardante lo stadio attuale del dialetto istroromeno [pdf]
VICTOR CELAC, Le dialecte istroroumain dans le Dictionnaire étymologique roman (DÉRom) [pdf]
ANA-MARIA RADU-POP, GABRIEL BĂRDĂȘAN, Linguistic Particularities of Istro-Romanian Terms from the Semantic Field of Celestial Bodies and Atmospheric Phenomena [pdf]
LARISA-FLORENTINA NICOLAIE, Allophones of the Vowel /A/ in Istro-Romanian. An Acoustic Analysis [pdf]
OANA UȚĂ BĂRBULESCU, MARTIN MAIDEn, Trends in Noun Plural Formation in Istro-Romanian [pdf]
RAMONA CĂTĂLINA CORBEANU, The Subjunctive in Istro-Romanian and the Status of neca [pdf]
IONUȚ GEANĂ, MIHAELA-CĂTĂLINA ILIE, The Morphosyntax of Pronominal Clitics in Istro-Romanian [pdf]
ADINA DRAGOMIRESCU, ALEXANDRU NICOLAE, Adjectives in Istro-Romanian. On the Influence of Language Contact on Word Order [pdf]
ADINA BRĂDEANU, The ISTROX Project: From Donation to Community Engagement [pdf]
ZVJEZDANA VRZIĆ, Vlashki/Zheyanski (Istro-Romanian) in the 21st Century: Language Documentation and Preservation [pdf]
Comptes rendus / Reviews [pdf]
No./Issue 1
ANDREI A. AVRAM, The Dutch Lexical Legacy in Sri Lanka Portuguese Creole [pdf]
VALENTINA GASBARRA, Alcune riflessioni in merito all’allotropia velare/palatale delle radici *gherdh- / *ĝherdh- E *leyg-/*leyĝ- [pdf]
MIODARKA TEPAVČEVIĆ, MARIJA MIJUŠKOVIĆ, The Syntactical-Semantic Functions of Exclamative Sentences in Romanian Poetry [pdf]
EMANUELA TIMOTIN, OVIDIU OLAR, The Oldest Romanian Manuscript and Printed Versions of the Akathistos Hymn (Seventeenth Century) [pdf]
IMOLA-ÁGNES FARKAS, Jârtvuiți jârtva direptății: A Close Look at Cognate Object Constructions in Old Romanian [pdf]
Comptes rendus / Reviews [pdf]